Dan serves as a channel of emergent wisdom, and is deeply tuned into the underworld of our human experience.
Commitment is a HUGE Key…
I’ve had quite the journey with commitment and it has unlocked so much in my own personal life, and the people i work with.
Even the word COMMITMENT can bring up a lot for people, through our conditioning, our history and where we may not have been as solid as we would have liked – in our relationships, our work, our projects and our lives in general…
Where are you lacking real commitment?
Where are you sitting on the fence with different aspects of your life that could just be dealt with right now and left in the past to instantly bring you more ease and free your precious energy and time up?
If you commit to something in any moment, COMMIT, fully to that thing, and don’t let the mind engage and keep you looping over it and wasting your energy on something that just needs to be followed through with.
When we allow our mind to engage with the ‘oh but maybe i should’ and the ‘what if it’s the wrong call’, we leak and waste our energy, constantly, when it could be fully invested in something that can bring you real flow and a more easeful way of being. Existence can bring you the things that you really want, that you may not be aware of, but you’re just constantly getting in the way if the commitment isn’t there.
Can you commit to giving someone more of your presence?
Can you commit to a solid, nourishing daily practice?
Can you commit to meditating more?
Can you commit to eating the right foods?
Can you commit to looking after your body?
Where are you leaking energy through noncommittal tendencies?
Are you committed to your partner?
This is a good inquiry also…
Its easy to jump to a ‘yeah totally’… When maybe there are some subtle leaks or things playing out that are really causing disharmony, incoherence & deeper dysfunctions to play out in the relationship…
Are there things happening that you wouldn’t want your partner to see, read or hear?
Is there grass that appears to be greener somewhere and you’re testing those pastures?
Is there any subtle flirting going on in any environment that you inhabit – cafe, office, gym, yoga class or amongst the cyber-realms?
Are you slipping out of integrity by going outside of your relationship, even at an emotional level, for something thats not fulfilling you within that container?
If any of those are true for you, you may find that redirecting and injecting that wayward energy back into the container of your relationship brings some fairly big shifts within that dynamic, and you realize some new potentials and depth within that relationship and what lies within it…
It might seem harmless enough, but give it a bit of a scratchin and it might reveal something thats been playing out for a long time that just may well be tripping you up…
If you feel you can’t be fully committed to another person, maybe its time to fully commit to stepping away from that relationship also…
If there is a period to have a good looksee at all this, it’s NOW, at this time as we pass through this 29th Gate…
Might be time to step up, clean out and de clutter, both our inner and outer vistas…
You might find that committing, fully, to one thing, that you may have known at some level for quite some time, will cause a chain reaction that will allow more insights, ease and abundance to flow into your reality, instantly!
When we commit, luck follows, and all of the forces of creation gather together to move behind us and back us fully into whatever it is that we are choosing to do. All of our allies, both physical and non physical can fully stand behind us and give their all to backing us, because we are 100% solid and unwavering in that decision – something that cannot be done if we don’t FULLY commit.
Whether it feels ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ it doesn’t matter – Commit and life will self organize around your needs.
Life wants us to commit.
Life wants us to commit so it can assist us in what we are here to do, and how we are here to roll & to floooow.
There are so many facets and dynamics to commitment when we start chipping away and having an honest look at ourselves, and honest look at where we are in our lives, who’s around us and where we’re leaking our energy – whether its outwards in the world, or internally thru allowing our minds to loop in the confusion and uncertainty of non commitment…
Then there’s OVER commitment… But thats a story for another day!
For now, make a commitment to looking at your own commitment, across the board, as the energy of this genetic archetype is beaming itself on down to the planet to assist us on our ways. You may just find some golden nuggets within and a dynamic change you’ve been waiting for..
InJoy 🙂
© DAN REGAN 2025